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File Size: 73.47MB
The premise of Oddworld: Stranger ’s Wrath is that the player ’s character, called the Stranger, must capture wanted outlaws, dead or alive. The game utilizes both third and first-person perspectives. In the third-person, the player controls Stranger when traveling long distances, platform jumping, rope climbing, and melee combat; and in first-person, ranged weapons are used. Enemies can be approached face-to-face, or by hiding out of enemy sight (as indicated on-screen) and luring foes from or toward the player. Once enemies are encountered, they can be killed or stunned; live captives earn the greater reward. Upon an attempted capture, Stranger is unable to perform other actions and thus is vulnerable. The player has two status bars: health and stamina. When damage is taken, the health bar drops; if it fully depletes, it will result in the death of Stranger. Stamina drops when the player performs actions like melee attacks or falls from a great height. While it refills itself over time, it can be used to shake off health-bar damage; thus healing the player, but draining the stamina more quickly.